Any day in Catania involves a traffic jam of some description. "Molto traffico!" Saturdays are often worse than others. It took quite a while to navigate the narrow streets, all of course with cars , vans and trucks parked at all angles, all over the place, sticking out to block the streets, and with much honking of horns/claxions. Finally we reached the equally noisy fish market. An experience not to be missed.
Today we also saw evidence of at least 6 weddings. And to make the traffic even worse it was Saint Rita's day, with many women dressed to please or remember her, in simple black long dresses with a white top. At first we thought those in these costumes may have been in a choir. Later we noticed young girls were wearing the outfits also. Most carrying a long-stemmed red rose. Still later at the Castel Ursino we met a family with a sleeping baby a few months old, in pram, dressed as Saint Rita. Without a rose.
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